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25 Apr 2016

Xinhua (China) [translated by China Labor Watch]

Xinhua News Investigates the Death of a Child Laborer in Foshan: Can 150,000 Yuan Replace a Life?

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…According to a report from the Nanhai District Human Resources and Social Protection Bureau, on March 5th of this year, the not yet 15 years old Wang Pan went to work at Zhiya through his mother, Kuang Liangqin’s connections…[O]n the morning of April 11th, Wan Pan was discovered unconscious in a room he had rented, and was declared dead on the scene by a doctor… Zhiya Underwear Company, Ltd [has agreed to]…give a one-time payment and burial subsidy to…Wang Pan’s Family…for the death of Wang Pan, totaling 150,000 Yuan in all…

Wang Pan’s relatives have suspicions that his death was related to excessive overtime at the factory. Many workers at Zhiya informed our reporters that usually the hours worked were from 8 am – 12 pm; then continuing from 1 pm until getting off work at 6 pm; at 6:30 pm, overtime starts, working until 9 or 10 pm. Every month workers only have two days off….Yet…the Nanhai District Human Resources and Social Protection Bureau [says] there had yet to be conclusive evidence that excessive overtime takes place at Zhiya…

 Zhiya, has only been fined 10,000 Yuan, and has yet to be punished for anything else…
