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6 Jul 2015

尼日爾: 報告介紹採礦、石油和天然氣項目在當地對健康及生計等的危害


A leading NGO in Niger, Réseau des Organisations pour la transparence et l'Analyse Budgétaire (Network of Organizations for Transparency and Budgetary Analysis, or ROTAB) published a "baseline study" on Business and Human Rights: The case of extractive industries in Niger ( dated December 2014); it was widely disseminated in April 2015 through a launch in Niger and internationally by the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited the principal companies named in the report that had not yet responded to the allegations it contained: China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), Somina (Société des Mines d'Azelik, joint venture of CNNC International, Sopamin [owned by Niger Govt.], ZXJoy Invest [Zhongxing Joy Investment], Korea Resources Corp.), Sonichar ( Société nigérienne du charbon) and Sopamin (current owner of Soci été des Mines du Liptako).

We also translated the Executive Summary of the report, and key portions concerning Somina and CNPC's affiliates in Niger into English. The full report (in French only), the English translation of key sections, and Somina and Sopamin's responses are below. Sonichar and CNPC have not responded.

Pour la version française de ces documents, veuillez cliquer ici .

Company Responses

Somina (joint venture of China National Nuclear Corp., Sopamin, ZXJoy Invest, Korea Resources Corp.) View Response
Sopamin (Société du patrimoine des mines du Niger) View Response
