Disney heiress reports poor working conditions in Disneyland resort after 'going undercover'
"Disney heiress says employees unhappy with working conditions ", 15 July 2019
A Disney heiress claims that she went undercover at Disneyland, and says she wasn’t happy with what she saw....
In a recent interview...Abigail Disney described meeting with Disneyland employees to better understand their grievances about their work...[she] claims that she was inspired to check on the workers’ conditions after receiving a Facebook message from a distressed employee...
...“Every single one of these people I talked to were saying, ‘I don’t know how I can maintain this face of joy and warmth when I have to go home and forage for food in other people’s garbage,’” Disney told Zainab Salbi...
Abigail Disney...called out Disney CEO Bob Iger for...a huge gap between his salary and the average Disney worker. “Bob needs to understand he’s an employee, just the same as the people scrubbing gum off the sidewalk are employees...”
“Disney is at the forefront of providing workforce education...widely recognized as the best way to create economic opportunity for employees and empower upward mobility,” a spokesperson for the Walk Disney Company said in a statement. “The Disney Aspire initiative is the most comprehensive employee education program in the country..."