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19 Ago 2024

Russia: Imports of Western-made CNC machines critical for military production continue to increase, according to CSOs report; incl. cos. responses & non-responses

A new report by the B4Ukraine Coalition alleges that western businesses are continuing to help sustain Russia’s war against Ukraine through the taxes they pay, the supply chains they support and the technologies they provide. It includes an analysis of Russia's imports of Western-made CNC machines essential for its military production. According to the authors, between January and October 2023, Russia's imports of CNC machinery increased by 33% compared to 2022. Key producers include companies from Germany, South Korea, and Taiwan, with shipments originating from China, Hong Kong, and Turkey.

B4Ukraine urges private sector entities to enhance due diligence and strengthen export controls while also calling on the EU and governments to establish unified enforcement structures and improve multilateral cooperation.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited 15 companies mentioned in the report to respond. Sodick, Fanuc, DMG Mori and Spinner provided responses. Siemens, DN Solutions, I Machine Tools, Victor Taichung Mach, Kao Fong Machinery, GF Machining Solutions, EMAG, LK Group, Hermle, Yamazaki Mazak, and Hyundai did not respond. Responses and non-responses can be found below.

Respostas da empresa

GF Machining Solutions

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Hyundai WAI

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Kao Fong Machinery

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Sodick Ver resposta
Fanuc Ver resposta
DN Solutions

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Victor Taichung Machinery Works

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Yamazaki Mazak

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I Machine Tools

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LK Group

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DMG MORI CO.,LTD Ver resposta
Spinner Ver resposta

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