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Ação judicial (SLAPP)

1 Jan 2022

Sara Tuševljak


Data em que a ação judicial foi iniciada
1 Jan 2022
Precisão da data
Todos corretos
Sara Tuševljak
Defensor dos Direitos Humanos, Grupo de preocupações ambientais
Ações judiciais: SLAPPs
Argumentos legais: Difamação
Processo movido por: Company
Alvo: Individual
Local de Arquivamento: Bósnia e Herzegovina
Localização do Incidente: Bósnia e Herzegovina
Green Invest Bélgica Energia, Construção de Barragens Resposta da empresa


From 21 January 2022 to 30 June 2022, the women environmental rights defenders Sunčica Kovačević and Sara Tuševljak from Bosnia and Herzegovina have received three defamation lawsuits and warnings by the company BUK d.o.o. owned by Green Invest. They have also been threatened with further legal action. Sunčica and Sara are part of an informal civil initiative, “Stop building small hydro-power plants on Kasindolska river.” This initiative has been speaking out against the damaging human rights and environmental impacts linked to the construction of hydro-power plants by BUK d.o.o. and showcasing the risks through demonstrations, legal actions, press conferences, and photo exhibitions. We invited the company to respond; it did. A rejoinder from Riverwatch, EuroNatur, Foundation Atelier for Community Transformation – ACT, Save the Blue Heart of Europe, Stop building small hydropower plants on Kasindolska river is available here.