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15 Fev 2024


Türkiye: Union accuses Özak Tekstil of transferring factories to subsidiary to avoid 'tarnishing' name with rights violations

"Özak Tekstil's New Trick Name Change", 15 February 2024

The Özak boss is resorting to a new trick to get rid of the Özak Tekstil name, which has been tarnished by rights violations and hostility to workers, and to deceive the brands and get re-orders.

Özak Tekstil, which is known to produce for big brands such as Zara and Levi's, did not respond to the calls made by brands and international control mechanisms during the resistance and did not rehire the workers. In the last process, it was informed that the production of the brands stopped and that they would review their relations with Özak Tekstil.

Today, the factory announced that it has made a transfer to Kübrateks.

Kubrateks already belonged to the Ozak holding. now Özak is handing over its factories to Kübrateks, which also belongs to it. The owners are the same, they just change names. In the announcement posted at the factory, Özak Tekstil announced that the transfer process was carried out to Kübrateks...

If you want to improve your image and get reorders from international brands, there is only one way: Get the fired workers back to work immediately! Recognize the right of workers to choose a union!

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