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Resposta da empresa

29 Mai 2024

Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt

Zhejiang Huayou's response to Mighty Earth report


Huayou fully understands the sustainability challenges often associated with nickel processing in Indonesia. We are committed to maintaining sustainable and socially responsible operations at our nickel processing facilities in the country.


It is important to note that Huayou’s nickel HPAL project in Indonesia helps to build a major new industrial solution for the country through the development of world leading sustainable and safe processing infrastructure in Indonesia. It takes limonite waste through our advanced hydrometallurgy process, extracts commercially viable volumes of nickel, cobalt from the ore. This process not only drastically reduces potentially harmful limonite tailing, but also creates more wealth from Indonesia’s natural resources and saves mineral resources to a great extent. It’s also currently the world’s largest laterite nickel ore hydrometallurgy project, takes the fourth-generation laterite nickel ore high-pressure acid leaching (HPAL) technology, which is characterized by having a great industrial influence, energy and resource saving, and a comprehensive recycling process of various valuable metals. It's one of the few large-scale processing facilities in Indonesia to use hydrometallurgy at its facilities while emitting only about 1/8 of carbon emissions if using pyrometallurgy. Our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions are also further reduced through our ability to draw energy from the waste heat steam generation of our sulfuric acid plant, which will meet more than 40% of site electricity demand. 

With regards to our own operations at the site, Huayou's facilities are built in accordance with Indonesian and international standards, and globally recognised ESG good practice and standards are fully integrated into corporate operations. This includes ISO three system certification (ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001), Indonesia SMK3 (Occupational health standardization), PROPER (Environmental performance assessment) and other system certification work.

In line with global good practice, Huayou has also contracted a third party to help further improve the project's ESG performance including deforestation. In January 2024, Huayue's SCM ore processing plant - Indonesia's first long-distance pipeline for nickel laterite ore transportation project officially commenced full operation, greatly enhancing its safety and reliability. The nickel laterite ore slurry pipeline achieves zero-pollution, low emission, high-safety green transportation through "a fully enclosed loading and unloading method" and increases the traceability and transparency of the supply chain.

To ensure that our business can have a positive impact in the local area, we also continue work with stakeholders and engaged with third party biodiversity consulting company to conduct a full biodiversity survey of the area where operations are located and issued a biodiversity survey report, mitigation measures and action plans. Huayue has restored 53,286 square meters of green areas in its plants with 740,000 trees transplanted and is planning to restore 100,000 square meters of green areas. "


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