Inter-American Business & Human Rights Standards: Miskito Divers v. Honduras
In August 2021, in a landmark ruling in Miskito Divers v. Honduras, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled in favour of 42 members of the Miskito community who sued Honduras over human rights violations resulting from the State’s failure to regulate, supervise, and oversee the practice of dangerous activities by private companies in the deep diving lobster fishing industry.
In its ruling, the Court mandates Honduras to regulate the fishing industry; and importantly, for the first time in its history, sets business and human rights standards under the American Convention on Human Rights and for the States that have adopted it. The ruling marks a turning point in the Inter-American System of Human Rights by setting out obligations for States and actions to be taken by companies operating in Latin America, with regard to their duty to respect human rights. This portal provides information, analysis and further reading on the ruling and the “Miskito Principles.”
Key Resources
Justice for Miskito divers: A turning point for business and human rights standards from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
For the first time in its history, the Court explicitly stipulates clear business and human rights standards to be met by states and companies.
Contributions from the Inter-American Court’s judgment on the Miskito Divers case
This landmark decision will give rise to the improvement of living conditions in the Moskitia region. States subject to the jurisdiction of the Court will have greater tools to address human rights violations derived from business activities.
Honduras: Judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the labour exploitation of Miskito divers by the fishing industry
Read the full judgment in English here.