Webinars, Videos & Podcasts
Watch and listen to different issues related to gender, business and human rights
Below are webinars, videos and podcasts that look at different issues related to gender, business and human rights.
ICON·S “The Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Public Law Scholarship, Perspectives and Values” (2020)
UN Global Compact, “Introduction to Target Gender Equality” (2020)
GCNI and UN Women, “Target Gender Equality Webinar” (2020)
Center for Global Development, “Approaching COVID-19 Risk and Response through a Gender Lens” (2020)
Green Growth Knowledge Partnership, “Sustainability after COVID 19: Building gender equality into the response” (2020)
World Bank, “Coronavirus Live Series: The Impact of the Pandemic on Women and Girls” (2020)
Empower Woman, “WEPs: Recover Better, Together and Stronger” (2020)
Empower Woman, “COVID-19 and Gender Equality: What Can the Private Sector Do?” (2020)
ILO, “Guiding the COVID-19 response and recovery towards a better normal free from violence and harassment” (2020)
ILO, “Business, non discrimination and gender equality in the time of COVID-19” (2020)
EU Sustainable Energy Week, “Women in the energy transition” (2020)
Efficiency for Access Coalition, “Securing an Inclusive Energy Transition: Female Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Energy Access” (2020)
Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition, the Clean Energy Solutions Center and C3E International, “Networks Promoting Women in Energy” (2020)
International Gender Champions, “Gender-responsive programming in times of crisis” (2020)
FOKUS - Forum for Women and Development, “SheDil: a new tool to protect women's rights in the corporate sector’ (2020)
amfori, “Women’s Empowerment From the C Suite to the Factory Floor Challenges and Opportunities Webinar” (2020)
World Road Association PIARC, “The Impact of Covid-19 on Women In Transport” (2020)
Chatham House, “Gender and IUU Fishing” (2020)
The European Union Delegation to South Africa and Mail&Guardian, “The Impact of Covid-19 on Women and their Businesses” (2020)
New America, “Supporting Women Owned Businesses During the COVID 19 Era” (2020)
Global Institute for Women's Leadership, “How is Covid-19 impacting gender equality at work?” (2020)
Public Policy Institute (PPI) and the Gender Responsive Analysis and Budgeting (GRABNZ) project, “Gender Impact Analysis Policy Forum: Women workers and COVID-19” (2020)
Data Natives, “Pandemics and Gender Equality: Why Data Matters” (2020)
Action Aid, "We Mean Business: Protecting Women's Rights in Global Supply Chains" (2020)
Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition, “Women for Sustainable Energy – Strategies to Foster Women’s Talent for Transformational Change” (2019)
IAIA, “How are we ‘doing’ gender Crowdsourcing our experiences and tools, Oxfam’s gender impact assessment” (2019)
Union of the Baltic Cities Sustainable Cities Commission, “Addressing vulnerable groups and gender issues in sustainable mobility planning” (2019)
Canadian Women’s Foundation, "Social Protection: A Gender Lens on Income Security & Poverty Reduction" (2019)
International Institute for Sustainable Development, "Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan Processes" (2018)
Sustainable Urban Transport Project, "Gender and Urban Transport" (2018)
UN Women Training Centre, "Gender Mainstreaming: Strategies to Address Gender Inequality" (2017)
UNESCO, "Intro to Gender Analysis and Mainstreaming in International Waters Projects" (2017)
United Nations Global Compact, "Women's Empowerment Principles Gender Gap Analysis Tool" (2017)
Population Reference Bureau, "Addressing Gender Through Integrated Population, Health, and Environment Approaches" (2017)
United Nations Global Compact, "Advancing SDG 5 through Inclusive Sourcing" (2016)
Global Gender and Climate Alliance, "Gender Responsive Climate Finance Mechanism" (2016)
UN Women Training Centre, "Gender Focal Points as Agents of Change" (2016)
FAO and UNDP, "Gender and Social Protection: Current Issues and Policy Trends" (2016)
United Nations Global Compact, "The Business Case for Women's Employment" (2014)
IWRAW Asia Pacific, "Equal Pay for work of Equal Value" (2020)
Danish Family Planning Association, "Business Cooperation for the Benefit of your Business" (2020)
Netflix, “Explained | Why Women Are Paid Less” (2020)
Oxfam in Myanmar, “Gender Responsive Budgeting Animation” (2020)
Harvard Business Review, “When Will We Reach Gender Equality?” (2019)
UN Women, “Women’s Empowerment Principles: Make Today Your Organization’s Signature Moment” (2019)
BSR, "Gender Equality in Supply Chains" (2018)
"The Gender at Work Podcast" (bi-monthly series)
"Girl Boss" (series)
"A Woman's Place" (series)
"(Ex)Clusion" (series)
Equality Talks (series)
Women at Work (series)
Gender Matters (series)
IDH the sustainable trade initiative (series)
Employment, Labour & Equalities - Gowling WLG (series)
Equal But Different (series)
Ellevate Podcast: Conversations With Women Changing the Face of Business (series)
Oxfam, "Using digital to further women's rights and gender equality" (recording of Webinar) (2018)