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Esta empresa é apresentada em um ou mais rastreadores


  • Valor de mercado :   €72.5bn

  • Roupa e Material Têxtil, Calçados, Varejo
  • Espanha

  • Industria de Diseño Textil, SA is a publicly traded company that specialises in clothing retail. It owns and operates Zara, Zara Home, Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius and Oysho.

Do Centro de Informação ? This section is a non-exhaustive snapshot of company behaviour recorded by the Resource Centre. We record allegations of abuse, seek company responses, profile lawsuits, and record attacks against Defenders working on business issues.


Perfis de processos judiciais


Transparency Pledge ? Company has fully aligned or committed to aligning with the Transparency Pledge standard, by publicly disclosing information about their supplier factories.

Global Framework Agreement ? Company has signed a Global Framework Agreement, negotiated on a global level with a trade union.
Indicator last reviewed 02-06-2023

Living Wage in Supply Chains ? Fashion Checker found no public evidence that the company’s suppliers are paying workers a living wage.
Indicator last reviewed 02-06-2023


Global Apparel Facilities on OAR ? Global apparel facilities on Open Apparel Registry
Indicator last reviewed 26-09-2024

Legislações Modernas Sobre Escravidão ações ?

Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.

Legislações Modernas Sobre Escravidão Rastreador

Inditex Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Inditex Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fonte: https://www.inditex.com/documents/10279/364755/Modern+Slavery+and+Human+Trafficking+Statement+FY2016/c67edd5b-0927-430e-a4c0-169f73283902

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Snapshot obtido: 19 de Julho de 2017 às 00:00
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Inditex Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fonte: https://www.inditex.com/documents/10279/364755/UK_California_Supply+Chain_en.pdf/0d091fe8-534c-ca84-27cd-30d38eb54ae3

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Snapshot obtido: 9 de Outubro de 2018 às 00:00
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Link na primeira página

Inditex Modern Slavery Legislation Document

Fonte: https://www.inditex.com/documents/10279/364755/Inditex_Modern_Slavery+Statement_ENG.pdf/2c09766a-e8b8-017f-7e15-ed5daf50ae54

Compliance with the requirements as set forth in Sec.54(6) and (7) of the UK Modern Slavery Act was assessed at the time this statement was collected by the Resource Centre.

Snapshot obtido: 24 de Março de 2020 às 00:00
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Países fornecedores selecionados

  • Sri Lanka

  • Paquistão

  • Índia

  • Cambodja

  • China

  • Bangladesh

Histórias com solicitações de resposta associadas ? Procuramos respostas de Inditex para as alegações levantadas nestas histórias. Saiba mais sobre nosso Mecanismo de Resposta de Empresas.

Classificações de benchmark

CHRB 2018
? The 2018 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assessed 100 of the largest publicly traded companies in the world on a set of human rights indicators.
52,9 / 100
CHRB 2019
? The 2019 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assesses 200 of the largest publicly traded companies in the world on a set of human rights indicators.
65,6 / 100
KnowTheChain 2018
? KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their global supply chains.
70 / 100
KnowTheChain Apparel & Footwear 2021
? KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their global supply chains.
55 / 100
KnowTheChain Apparel & Footwear 2023
? KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their global supply chains.
38 / 100

Principais países associados

Inditex has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.

Menções da empresa (artigos, relatórios, notícias, etc.)

Sede da empresa

Menções da empresa (artigos, relatórios, notícias, etc.) em regiões disputadas

Sede da empresa em regiões disputadas

*  Dados do mercado de ações fornecidos pela IEX Cloud. Última atualização None