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5 Out 2023

Shared Priorities for a Just Transition: Rights and the renewable energy value chain

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This webinar will explore the concept of a just transition from a multi-stakeholder perspective, presenting the forthcoming UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights report on Just Transition, Extractive Industries and Human Rights and the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre's Just Energy Transition Principles.

Evidence gathered by the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre demonstrates that human rights abuse remains a problematic feature of the renewable energy value chain – from transition mineral extraction through to renewable energy installations. This includes land and water grabs, pollution of rivers, dam collapses, low wages and unsafe working conditions.

Yet there is also a growing body of examples of better practice, which reflect commitment to human rights, fair negotiations and shared prosperity – and the notion that a just transition must be both fast and fair.

Keynote speaker
Damilola Olawuyi, Chairperson of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights


Michael Clements, Director of International Programmes, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Joan Carling, Executive Director, Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI)

Ilan Zugman, Latin America Managing Director, 350.org

Steven Heim, Managing Director, Boston Common Asset Management

Moderator: Olga Martin-Ortega, Head of Natural Resources and Just Transition, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre

Detalhes do evento

Data de início
17 Out 2023
Hora de início
5 p.m.
Tipo de evento

Para mais informações, favor seguir o link para o evento

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