Ericson Acosta
Ericson Acosta was a poet, journalist, musician, and human rights activist in the Philippines. He was a dedicated environmental activist who carried out research in support of farmers facing displacement and other issues affecting their livelihoods due to land seizures by hacienda owners (large farm enterprises). During the peace talks in 2016-2017, he contributed to the drafting of the agreement on Socio-Economic Reforms and participated in the formal peace talks and discussions of the reciprocal working committees. On November 30, 2022, Ericson was captured by elements of the 94th and 47th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army and then killed, alongside peasant organizer Joseph Jimenez. At the time of the attack, the defenders were unarmed and were conducting research in Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental, consulting farmers on their living and working conditions.