Esta é uma resposta a
Part of the following timelines
Pakistan: European Center for Constitutional & Human Rights calls for criminal investigation of KiK & RINA over garment factory fire
Pakistan: Resumption of Baldia factory fire compensation talks welcomed
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] Second Anniversary of Fire Disaster in Pakistan Textile Factory - KiK stalling on further compensation: Victims prepare to launch lawsuit in Germany
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] Factory Fire in Karachi [Pakistan]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
RINA's response to European Center for Constitutional & Human Rights' call for criminal investigation of KiK & RINA over Pakistan garment factory fire
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Response by Kik: re calls for criminal investigation into 2012 factory fire
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[DOC] Factory Fire in Karachi: ECCHR calls for investigation against KiK [Pakistan]
Idiomas disponíveis: English
Veja a história completa
KiK lawsuit (re Pakistan)
Pakistan: Following anti-terrorism court judgment, the fight goes on for Ali Enterprises factory fire victims
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Pakistan: Unions & labour organisations call for legally binding agreement to promote garment factory safety
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Zivilgesellschaft fordert nach KiK-Verfahren Reform der Haftungspflichten von Unternehmen
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Germany: Civil society calls on major law reform on corporate accountability
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Kommentar: KiK-Verfahren macht trotz Klage-Abweisung Hoffnung
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Un tribunal allemand rejette la procédure contre KiK pour sa responsabilité supposée pour l’incendie meurtrier d'une usine textile au Pakistan
Idiomas disponíveis: français -
The fault in our factories
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Pakistanische Betroffene scheitern mit Klage gegen KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
German court rejects case of deadly Pakistan factory fire
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
NGO-Kritik an Klage-Abweisung im KiK-Fall
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
German Court dismisses Pakistani's complaint against KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Deutsche NGOs heben grundlegende Bedeutung von KiK-Verfahren hervor
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Kik trial questions 'customer is king' mantra
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Stellungnahme von KiK zur Klage auf Schmerzensgeld vor dem Landgericht Dortmund
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Fabrikbrand Ali Enterprises BEHAUPTUNGEN UND FAKTEN
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Commentary: Lawsuit against KiK over Pakistan factory fire & supply chain liability of transnational cos. for human rights impacts
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Kommentar: Ein Urteil gegen KiK wäre immens wichtig
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Erste Anhörung in der Klage von Opfern des Brandes in Textilfabrik in Pakistan gegen KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Entscheidung im Januar
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Interview: Betroffene des Fabrikbrands in Pakistan fordern im Musterprozess Schmerzensgeld
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Press Release: No ruling in court case against KiK case over factory fire in Pakistan today, says ECCHR
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Kik-Chef verteidigt Produktion in umstrittenen Ländern
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
German clothing discounter KiK on trial for Pakistan factory fire
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Pressemitteilung: Heute wurde im Fall KiK nicht entschieden
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
KiK-Chef fordert im Interview staatliche Vorgaben für die Textilbranche in der EU & in Zulieferländern
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Prozess gegen KiK droht an Verjährungsfrist zu scheitern
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Pressemitteilung ECCHR: Verfahren gegen KiK vorm Landgericht Dortmund droht an Verjährungsfrist zu scheitern
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Families of victims of Baldia Factory fire in Pakistan start receiving long-term compensation from amount provided by KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Forensic video evidence submitted to court in legal action against KiK for factory fire shows minor safety improvements could have saved lives
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Experten-Video zu KiK-Verfahren beim Landgericht Dortmund: Minimale Brandschutz- Verbesserungen hätten vielen Arbeitern das Leben gerettet
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Entschädigungen für Hinterbliebene von Textilfabrikbrand in Pakistan
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Families of Baldia factory fire victims to receive pension from February; first time a compensation system has been established for families of victims of industrial accidents
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Q&A on the Compensation Claim against KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Commentary: Lawsuit against KiK & question of supply chain liability for Pakistan factory fire
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Landmark compensation arrangement reached on 4th anniversary of deadly Pakistan factory fire
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Deutschland - Landgericht Dortmund: Betroffene aus Pakistan erhalten Prozesskostenhilfe im Verfahren gegen KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
German Court: Pakistani victims awarded legal costs in case against KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Families of victims of deadly fire at garment factory in Pakistan submit evidence for lawsuit against KiK in Germany
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Pakistan: Resumption of Baldia factory fire compensation talks welcomed
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Blog: Why families & survivors of the Karachi factory fire could spell the end of voluntary corporate responsibility
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Unglück in Pakistan: Brandopfer klagen gegen Kik
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
259 Opfer verlangen Schadensersatz
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Baldia factory fire: Retailer comes under fierce criticism
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Video: Schadensersatzklage gegen Textildiscounter KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Paying the price for clothing factory disasters in south Asia: Pakistan factory fire victims sue KiK
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Schadensersatz: Fabrikbrand-Opfer verklagen Textildiscounter Kik
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Pressemitteilung ECCHR: Der Preis der Katastrophen in den Textilfabriken Südasiens
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
Pressemitteiling KiK: Fabrikbrand Karachi: KiK zahlte schon 1 Million US-Dollar und bietet weitere Hilfe an - Unglücksursache sehr wahrscheinlich Brandstiftung
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch -
[PDF] Second Anniversary of Fire Disaster in Pakistan Textile Factory - KiK stalling on further compensation: Victims prepare to launch lawsuit in Germany
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Response by Kik: re calls for criminal investigation into 2012 factory fire
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[DOC] Factory Fire in Karachi: ECCHR calls for investigation against KiK [Pakistan]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Legal action on fire in textile factory in Karachi, Pakistan
Idiomas disponíveis: English
Ver o caso completo