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30 Jun 2014

10 Criteria for National Action Plans (NAPs) on Business and Human Rights

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A government, through or in connection with its NAP, should: 1. Clearly identify and publicly communicate leadership and ownership of the NAP development and implementation process within the government; 2. Devise and publish terms of reference and a timeline for the NAP process; 3. Allocate adequate resources to the NAP process, from beginning to end; 4. Ensure effective participation by all relevant stakeholders through stakeholder mapping and capacity-building and by ensuring participation by disempowered or at-risk stakeholders; 5. Begin its process by conducting a national baseline assessment of the government's current implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and relevant frameworks, and base the content of the NAP on the results of this baseline assessment; 6. Address the full scope of the UNGPs within the NAP, as well as the full extent of the State's territory and jurisdiction; 7. Articulate action points (i.e. commitments) within the NAP that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-specific; 8. Implement a NAP process that is fully transparent, includes publication of drafts of the NAP, and provides public summary reports of any stakeholder engagement; 9. Identify who is responsible for the implementation of individual action points within the NAP and overall follow-up; 10. Map a framework for the monitoring of and reporting on implementation of the NAP once published.