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1 Jun 2015

Simran Jeet Singh, senior religion fellow for the Sikh Coalition and PhD candidate at Columbia University, in Washington Post (US)

A Muslim woman beat Abercrombie & Fitch. Why her Supreme Court victory is a win for all Americans.

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The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday in favor of Samantha Elauf, an American Muslim woman who wears a hijab and was denied a job at Abercrombie & Fitch when she was 17...because her religious identity violates Abercrombie’s “look policy.”...Elauf’s case illustrates a number of important issues in modern America, serving as a landmark case on workplace discrimination and religious freedom...Discriminatory policies filter down to the American public and send the message that it is okay to treat marginalized communities as second-class citizens...Having a more diverse cross section represented in the workforce would cut against negative stereotypes that contribute to xenophobia and hate violence targeting minority communities...What has been at stake here is not just a single employer that has discriminated against one individual...A large majority of Americans affected by such discriminatory policies belong to minority faith communities, and the Supreme Court’s decision directly impacts how we think about equal opportunity and religious freedom in this country...The ruling serves as an opportunity to improve existing legislation on workplace discrimination and religious freedom... 

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