Respostas da empresa
Gelmart Industries
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Frederick's of Hollywood
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Kmart (part of Sears)
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Walmart de México (part of Walmart)
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Linha do tempo
Wal-Mart de Mexico (Walmex) did not respond to: Behind the Label (USA) alleges poor working conditions at Wal-Mart supplier Gelmart Industries.
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Response by Kmart (part of Sears): Behind the Label (USA) allege poor working conditions alleged at Kmart supplier Gelmart Industries.
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[letter responding to allegations about workplace conditions at Gelmart Industries, supplier to Kmart (part of Sears)]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Frederick's of Hollywood did not respond to: Behind the Label (USA) alleges poor working conditions at Frederick’s supplier Gelmart Industries.
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Gelmart Industries Inc.'s response
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
An intimate look behind Gelmart's sweatshops [Philippines]
Idiomas disponíveis: English