Australia: Worker death at Olympic Dam mine
Data informada: 25 Abr 2023
Localização: Austrália
BHP - Parent CompanyProjetos
Olympic DamAfetados
Total de pessoas afetadas: 1
Trabalhadores: ( 1 - Austrália - Setor desconhecido , Gender not reported )Temas
Mortes , Saúde e Segurança Ocupacional , FuncionáriosResposta
Response sought: Não
Tipo de fonte: News outlet

Wikimedia Commons
"Mine worker dies on BHP site, SafeWork to investigate", 25 April 2023
"A man has been killed in a workplace incident at a South Australian copper mine run by BHP.
South Australian police said it happened about 5.30am Tuesday at Olympic Dam in Roxby Downs, about 511km north of Adelaide.
Emergency services were called to reports someone had been critically injured “in a collision … within the boundaries of the mines” according to an SA Police statement.
The 25-year-old Two Wells man died at the scene...
A BHP spokesperson said the details surrounding the incident remain unclear.
“We are deeply saddened to confirm that a member of our workforce died this morning at our Olympic Dam site,” said the spokesperson.
“Our thoughts are with the person’s family, friends and colleagues and we are offering all the support we can during this difficult time.
“We are engaging with SafeWork SA and SAPOL in relation to the incident.”"