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3 Mar 2022

Adele Ferguson & Chris Gillett, ABC News

Australian construction company, CIMIC, accused of not paying foreign workers in the Middle East

"Australia's biggest construction company, CIMIC, accused of not paying foreign workers in the Middle East", 3 March 2022
Australia's biggest construction company, CIMIC, stands accused of not paying hundreds of millions of dollars to workers, subcontractors and banks in its Middle East operations in a scandal that has been described as a humanitarian disaster.


Foreign workers from countries including India and Pakistan are trapped in labour camps, some waiting almost a year for outstanding wages and end-of-service entitlements after being made redundant or resigning.


In a statement, CIMIC said it, "continues to actively work with the acquirer of BICC to ensure BICC meets its statutory obligation to its employees".

It said BICC was continuing to make significant progress on paying its employees' end of service entitlements and at all times met its continuous disclosure obligations.

CIMIC says it has never controlled BICC, owning a 45 per cent share.

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