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DR Congo: Six Chinese gold mining companies in South Kivu suspended over illegal operations

Linha do tempo
Un conflit de ressources sino-congolais dans le territoire de Mwenga, République démocratique du Congo
Idiomas disponíveis: français -
DR Congo: Gunmen kill local employee of Chinese company Oriental Ressources Congo in South Kivu
Oriental Ressources Congo could not be reached for comment
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Yellow Water Ressources could not be reached for comment
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
New Oriental Mineral could not be reached for comment
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
BM Global Business could not be reached for comment
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Congo Blueant Minéral could not be reached for comment
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
DR Congo: Illegal Chinese mining and timber companies prevalent in South Kivu, report finds
Beijing to sanction law-breaking Chinese companies in DR Congo, says head of African affairs
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Idiomas disponíveis: 简体中文 -
RDC: Les populations manifestent pour le départ des entreprises chinoises accusées de ne pas respecter la législation nationale
Idiomas disponíveis: français
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