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2 Out 2013

Kate Hodal, Guardian (UK)

Cambodia: Chut Wutty's legacy creates an opportunity for land justice

…Despite alleged illegal logging, land grabs, harassment and threats by police and government thugs, activists claim the ruling party's win in July of just 68 seats to the opposition's 55 means that Hun Sen, who has governed Cambodia for the past 28 years, may be softening…to the will of the people, in turn allowing environmental groups to gain strategic ground. This is due, in part, to the increasing awareness of human rights and social justice issues, activists say, such as the death of one of Cambodia's most prominent environmental activists, Chut Wutty,in April 2012…A report into the number of deaths arising from land and forest disputes worldwide…found that two people were killed a week in 2011…It stated that in Cambodia there was "strong evidence that the killings were perpetrated with company or government involvement"…

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