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26 Abr 2023


Cambodia: Members of youth group and CSOs urge for justice for environmental activist Chut Wutty - killed 11 years ago

"Activists Call for Justice on the 11-Year Anniversary of Chut Wutty’s Murder", 26 April 2023

Youth members from Mother Nature Cambodia today led a commemorative walk and ceremony to mark the murder of environmental activist Chut Wutty, who was shot dead … whilst accompanying two journalists on a patrol of protected forest in Koh Kong province…

Around 25 youths from Mother Nature, the Cambodian Youth Network, and the Khmer Student Intelligent League Association this morning gathered at Botumvatey Pagoda to walk to the Ministry of Justice. They displayed photographs of Wutty and commemorative slogans, and dressed as Wutty to symbolise the continuation of his mission to safeguard the environment and natural resources.

On arrival, representatives delivered speeches about ongoing damage to Cambodia’s forests and called for the ministry to deliver justice for Wutty. They handed a petition to police for delivery to the ministry…

Around 55 people also gathered at Solidarity House this afternoon to discuss and celebrate Wutty’s work. Attendees included monks, NGOs, youth environmental activists, and students. The event included a blessing ceremony and discussions among participants.

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