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17 Jun 2021

Mech Dara, VOD English

Cambodia: National Police confirm the arrests of three environmental activists but deny the fourth arrest while his wife claims the fourth activist is arrested in Kandal province

"Environmental Activists Accused of Plotting, Punishable by 5-10 Years", 17 June 2021

Three of four environmental activists arrested ... are accused of plotting, a crime punishable by five to 10 years in prison, according to National Police.

National Police spokesman Chhay Kim Khoeun, ..., said the three had been arrested based on a Phnom Penh Municipal Court warrant but did not give details of the alleged crime they had committed.

“Now they are being processed by judicial police,” Kim Khoeun said, adding that the charge on the warrant was plotting.

The Criminal Code defines plotting as “a resolution agreed upon by two or more persons to commit an attack where the resolution was put into effect by one or more material actions,” and is punishable by five to 10 years in jail.

Kim Khoeun denied that National Police had arrested a fourth activist — whose wife ... said she had seen him detained at a Kandal province police station. “We only arrested three people,” he said...

San Mala, an advocacy officer at the Cambodian Youth Network, said associates and NGO partners had received no information about Leanghy more than a day after the detention witnessed by his wife at the Koh Thom district police station...

..., three environmental activists from the group Mother Nature were arrested while planning a livestreamed march about preserving Boeng Tamok, a Phnom Penh lake. The three activists, Thun Ratha, Long Kunthea and Phuon Keoreaksmey, were found guilty of incitement ..., and sentenced to 18 to 20 months in jail. Two others, including the group’s co-founder Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson, were also found guilty in absentia.

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