Controversial Bypass Under Way At Mozambique Smelter
BHP Billiton’s Mozal smelter has begun bypassing its fume treatment centres, emitting potentially dangerous fumes into the air without treating them first...authorisation for the bypass…was granted for a period of six months by the government...A coalition...led by local groups Livaningo and Justica Ambiental...says that the community has still not been presented with adequate evidence that the bypass will not be harmful...The purpose of the FTCs is to filter the carbon plant’s emissions of potentially harmful pollutants. Bypassing the FTCs means that compounds...which in sufficient quantities can cause hypocalcemia, cardiac and respiratory arrest, and death – will be released into the atmosphere in greater concentrations...According to a Mozal statement, [an independent] report...concludes that “the outcome of the predicted values showed a non-significant cumulative impact on health, environment and community.”…[also re: SGS]