[DOC] Factory Fire in Karachi: ECCHR calls for investigation against KiK [Pakistan]
[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited KiK and RINA to respond. Response provided.]...ECCHR has submitted a brief to the High Court of Sindh in Karachi calling for investigations to be broadened in the criminal proceedings against Ali Enterprises, the owner of the destroyed Karachi clothing factory. 289 workers died in a fire at the factory in September 2012, while hundreds more were injured…ECCHR calls on the court to expand the scope of the proceedings and examine the role played by European companies KiK and RINA. “There is evidence to suggest that KiK and RINA contributed to the fire through their failure to take action on safety standards”, said Miriam Saage-Maaß from ECCHR. “Under international human rights norms, the Pakistani authorities have a duty to examine the evidence and, where appropriate, to hold these international companies to account”…