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21 Jul 2017

Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism e.V.

Documentation of intl. conference on human rights in tourism

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Working conditions and human rights along the supply chain – the hospitality sector 

- ...ILO guidelines on decent work and socially responsible tourism are available online and will be officially adopted in November 2017...

The group identifies outsourcing as a major challenge as it makes it extremely difficult to control contract conditions and to protect employees. Furthermore, the seasonality of jobs in-creases workers vulnerability... Legal complexity and uncertainty are a major issue as employment standards differ from country to country... There is a strong need for internationally agreed upon labour standards that are enforced on the ground. As a first step, a database of world-wide regulations would help tour operators to gain an overview of existing labour standards in the respective country... [I]ssues such as outsourcing and/or franchising is widespread along the sector... Therefore clear and binding regulation is urgently needed.