Feds face massive class action filed by two Leamington migrant workers
Data informada: 3 Jan 2024
Localização: Canadá
Tilray - EmployerAfetados
Total de pessoas afetadas: Número desconhecido
Trabalhadores migrantes e imigrantes: ( 1 - Granada , Agricultura e Pecuária , Men , Documented migrants )Temas
Demissão , Mobilidade restrita , Condições de vida precárias/inadequadas , Ownership of Property & PossessionsResposta
Response sought: Não
Tipo de fonte: News outlet
…Palmer said he first arrived in Canada in April 2014 on an eight-month contract and worked for Amco for six years…
Amco terminated Palmer's employment in October 2019. The company allegedly posted a notice in the workplace…
The action alleges the Canadian government has received $475-million in EI contributions from foreign agricultural workers over the past 15 years.
Peters is also concerned about his health after working with chemicals at a marijuana grow operation. He said he stayed in a bunkhouse where six workers shared a bedroom. During the pandemic, he was not allowed to leave the farm and didn't see his family for three years. In 2021, he finally returned to Grenada to visit his family for two weeks. The company called him during this vacation to say his employment was terminated. His belongings remain in Canada.
The suit alleges the Canadian government knew the programs were racist…
Both men are seeking $500-million on behalf of former and current temporary foreign workers who had permits under the SAWP and TFWP going back to 2008.