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31 Dez 2020

FIFA Human Rights Advisory Board

FIFA Human Rights Advisory Board Member Bios


Bill Anderson is Vice President of Social & Environmental Affairs for adidas; a position he has held for the past 17 years. As a human rights lawyer and environmental management expert he has 35 years' experience in addressing social and environmental issues in Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions. Over the past 20 years he has been deeply involved in the development of labor and occupational health & safety compliance programs, sustainable development initiatives, business & human rights due diligence and stakeholder engagement processes. He sits on a number of advisory panels for inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, with a focus on sports, labor and human rights and environmental health and safety.

Susan Bissell is an independent senior advisor. Since 1987, her career has focused on the rights, safety and security of children and she is currently serving on a number of Boards, teaching and writing. Susan spent over twenty-five years working in various capacities for UNICEF, and from 2016 until 2018 led the establishment of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children and its associated Fund. From 2009 to 2015, Susan served as Associate Director and Chief of Child Protection for UNICEF. Author of a number of research studies, she has worked with UNICEF in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Italy (at the Innocenti Research Centre in Florence), and New York City. Susan earned a PhD in public health and medical anthropology from the University of Melbourne, Australia. While completing her doctorate, she joined Trudie Styler and the Bangladeshi film team Catherine and Tareque Masud to produce the documentary A Kind of Childhood which has won awards and been screened widely. She holds a BA and MA from the University of Toronto. On behalf of her UNICEF Child Protection colleagues, Susan accepted awards including an honorary professorship at Barnard College/Columbia University, the Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship award from Tufts University, the Flambeau D’or from Panathlon International, and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Susan was also honored as the Weissberg Chair in International Studies, at Beloit College.

Rachel Davis is Co-founder and Vice President of Shift, the leading center of expertise on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, where she has led work for the past decade on standard-setting, human rights and sports, financial institutions, conflict and international law. Rachel was the Chair of FIFA’s independent Human Rights Advisory Board from when it was established in 2017 until its conclusion in 2020, and advised the International Olympic Committee on human rights since 2018. She was a senior legal advisor to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on business and human rights, Harvard Professor John Ruggie (2006-2011), and is a Senior Program Fellow with the Corporate Responsibility Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School. An author of the leading study on the costs of company-community conflict in the extractive sector, Rachel has worked at the High Court of Australia and the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. She is a graduate of Harvard University and the University of New South Wales.

Ignacio Packer is an international expert on child rights and social issues. He served as Secretary General of the Terre Des Hommes International Federation for six years until 30 June, 2017. Terre Des Hommes is a child rights organization working in 69 countries. He is now Executive Director of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA), a global consortium of Humanitarian NGOs. Ignacio has strategically guided several campaigns including "Destination Unknown" on the rights of children in the context of migration and "Children Win" on the rights of children and Mega Sporting Events. With 30 years of experience in the area of humanitarian work and development issues, Ignacio has built a sound field experience with several resident assignments. He was previously program director at the Terre des Hommes Foundation. He also worked for the European Bank for Latin America, KPMG, Médecins Sans Frontières, the European Association for Development and Health and for the Swiss Tropical Institute.

Sylvia Schenk is a lawyer in Frankfurt on Main, Germany. She worked as a judge at a Labor Court (1979-1989) and as City Councilor in Frankfurt (1989-2001). She has been German Champion running 800m in the Olympics 1972 and served as a volunteer in national and international sport since 1975. From 2001-2004 she was president of German Cycling and from 2000-2005 a member of the Management Committee of the International Cycling Union. From 2006-2014 she was Senior Advisor for Sport at Transparency International and from 2007-2010 she was Chair of Transparency International Germany, now chairing its Working Group on Sport. She is a board member of the German Olympic Academy, an arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) in Lausanne and member of the INTERPOL Standing Committee on Ethical Matters.

Theo van Seggelen is Secretary General of FIFPro, the world's professional footballer association which represents approximately 75,000 male and female players in more than 60 countries. A former professional footballer himself at Telstar, the Netherlands, he became involved with the local player union, VVCS. He began as a board member in 1980, then was its chairman from 1991 until 2005. In 1992, he was named Secretary General of FIFPro. As FIFPro representative, Theo sits on various committees including the FIFA Human Rights Advisory Board and the UEFA Professional Football Strategy Council. He is a judge for FIFA's Dispute Resolution Chamber and for FIFA TMS, which checks international transfers of minor players.

Lene Wendland is Chief of the Human Rights and Economic and Social Issues Section in the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and heads OHCHR's work on Business and Human Rights. She was part of the team of the former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Business and Human Rights, Professor John Ruggie, and contributed to the drafting of the UN Guiding Principles. Lene leads OHCHR's efforts to support effective implementation of the UN Guiding Principles and directs OHCHR's Corporate Accountability and Remedy Project which aims to enhance accountability and access to remedy in cases of business involvement in human rights abuse. She also oversees the secretariat to the inter-governmental working group drafting a legally binding instrument on human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

Brent Wilton is Director of Global Workplace Rights for The Coca-Cola Company. A lawyer by training, Brent has spent the last 30 years representing companies and their representative organizations across a range of labor and human rights issues in countries around the world. Prior to joining Coca-Cola in April of 2015, Brent spent the previous 16 years with the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) representing the interests of business in 150 countries on global labor and social policy matters within the International Labour Organization, across the UN and multilateral system. Brent was engaged from the outset in the stakeholder discussions that led to the creation of the UN Guiding Principles, and with the UN Human Rights Working Group on the follow up to the implementation of the Principles. Brent also served on the Board of the UN Global Compact in his last role as IOE Secretary General and was co-chair of the multistakeholder Labor and Human Rights Working Group.

Ambet Yuson is the General Secretary of the Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI), a global union federation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, representing 12 million construction, cement, wood and forestry workers in 135 countries. Ambet led the BWI Global Campaign on Decent Work in the preparation for the World Cups in South Africa (2010) and Brazil (2014) and the Euro Cup in Ukraine-Poland (2012). He is also the Chair of the Council of Global Unions Working Group on Migration and the Co-Chair of the Workers Group in the General Assembly of Partners (GAP) to the UN-HABITAT program. Ambet has held several posts in BWI, including as Regional Director for the Asia Pacific Region and Educational Director at BWI Geneva HQ. Before joining BWI in 1997, he served in various capacities as organizer and educator for trade unions and civil society organizations in the Philippines to support the struggles of marginalized communities.

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