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Ataque à DDH

30 Set 2023

Gitai Pataxó Indigenous Village

Data do incidente
30 Set 2023
Precisão da data
Todos corretos
Aldeia Pataxó Gitai
Não aplicável
Pessoas indígenas
Espancamentos e violência
Alvo: Group, Organisation or Institution
Localização do Incidente: Brasil
Outros atores


Gitai Pataxó Indigenous Village, an indigenous community in the Pataxó territory of Barra Velha, was the target of a shooting attack by a gang suspected of leading drug trafficking in the region. The criminals were looking for community leaders in retaliation for their supposed collaboration in curbing local drug trafficking. Failing to find the leaders, the criminals opened fire on the leaders' homes and the inhabitants of the village, causing material damage and spreading panic among the population. Indigenous people from the village. In addition, cars and motorbikes were set on fire during the attack.

Previous attacks: 26 June 2022 , 22 August 2022, 04 September 2022, 04 September 2022 , 30 May 2023, 12 September 2023, Samuel Cristiano do Amor Divino, Nawy Brito de Jesus, Gustavo Silva da Conceição