Linha do tempo
Switzerland: 21 investors with CHF459 bn in assets call on parliament & Federal Council to adopt comprehensive legislation on corporate environmental & human rights due diligence
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Commentary: Cobalt must be included in Swiss responsible business legislation
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Responsible Business Initiative rejected at ballot box despite gaining 50.7% of popular vote
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss to decide on mandatory due diligence and corporate liability in what is expected to be a "knife-edge" vote on Sunday
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
CERDE & ACCA issue joint statement on recent position taken by Burkinabe Minister of Commerce on the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss Responsible Business Initiative enjoys solid support ahead of public referendum on 29 November
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Proposed due diligence regulation would promote effectiveness of Swiss development cooperation, say academics
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss Parliament adopts reporting-focused proposal
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland to hold referendum on proposed human rights due diligence law
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss Responsible Business Initiative: Parliamentary committee opts for proposal without liability rules; public to vote in autumn 2020
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Support for public Responsible Business Initiative continues to grow
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss parliamentary process on mandatory human rights due diligence proposal approaches final stage
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Lower House reaffirms commitment to proposed human rights due diligence legislation
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Legal Affairs Committee of Lower House reaffirms commitment to proposed human rights due diligence legislation
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
UN experts raise concerns over Swiss Government's position on 'Responsible Business Initiative'
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss upper house debate on proposed human rights due diligence legislation postponed
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Unofficial translation: Statement of the initiative committee on the counter-proposal to the Responsible Business Initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Legal Affairs Committee of Swiss upper house supports civil liability of companies
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Legal Affairs Committee of Swiss upper house affirms political will for an indirect counter-proposal to Responsible Business Initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss National Council insists on Responsible Business counter-proposal
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss National Council votes in favour of pursuing an amended proposal to the Responsible Business Initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland weighs the merits of mandatory human rights due diligence
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Investors call on parliamentarians to support legislation for mandatory human rights due diligence
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Responsible business initiative heads closer to public vote as Council of States rejects counter-proposal
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Commentary: Another step towards the adoption of a mandatory HRDD bill in Switzerland
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
How does the parliamentary counter-proposal differ from the popular initiative (RBI)?
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Natl. Council adopts corporate human rights due diligence bill; NGO calls it a compromise but welcomes step forward
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Responsible Business debate could cause ripple effects globally
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
John Ruggie's statement emphasizes importance of reaching workable compromise on Swiss Responsible Business Initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Full text of Swiss Parliament's counter-proposal to the responsible business initiative available in English
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Legal Affairs Committee proposes indirect counter-proposal to responsible business initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
John Ruggie weighs in on Swiss debate on mandatory human rights due diligence
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Business & human rights - what Swiss companies need to know
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Commentary: Paradise Papers fuel Swiss responsible business initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss Parliament decides to issue counter-proposal to referendum initiative on responsible business conduct
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
John Ruggie urges Swiss Govt. to engage actively in shaping of initiative for responsible business conduct
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Govt. dismisses initiative demanding mandatory human rights due diligence for business; says voluntary measures are sufficient
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss Federal Council publishes message on Responsible Business Initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss firms could be held to account for actions abroad
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Swiss quality must include the protection of human rights and the environment
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Switzerland: Over 140,000 sign petition for govt. to require human rights & environmental due diligence by Swiss companies
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Suisse : L'initiative pour un devoir de diligence des entreprises en matière de droits de l’homme et d'environnement obtient plus de 140 000 signatures
Idiomas disponíveis: français -
Communiqué de presse : Une initiative d'ONG demande un devoir de diligence en matière de droits de l’homme pour toutes les entreprises suisses
Idiomas disponíveis: français -
Business globale? Responsabilità globale!
Idiomas disponíveis: italiano -
Press release: NGO initiative seeks mandatory human rights due diligence for all Swiss companies
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Factsheet on initiative
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Pressemitteilung: Initiative will verbindliche Menschenrechts-Due-Diligence für alle Schweizer Unternehmen
Idiomas disponíveis: Deutsch
Veja a história completa