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12 Set 2016

Arun Janardhanan,Indian Express

India: 8,856 ‘enemies of state’: An entire village in Tamil Nadu lives under shadow of sedition

Last week, the Supreme Court laid down what sedition wasn’t. But for five years now, as officials let cases drag, almost the entire population of a village in Tamil Nadu, protesting against the nuclear plant, has lived under the shadow of Section 124 A...In the protests against the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) that have been on in this village and adjacent Kudankulam village since 2011, led by Udayakumar, 8,956 people have been slapped with 21 cases of sedition — the maximum such number charged in the country.

Part of the following timelines

India: Protesters against Kudankulam nuclear power plant say it lacks safety measures, waste will harm environment

India: Villagers & activists raise concerns over safety of Kudankulam nuclear power plant - Supreme Court says will halt production if safety standards not met

India: Villagers continue to protest against Kudanukulam Nuclear Power Plant fearing loss of livelihood