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4 Jul 2024

Italy: Unions call for increased safety after explosion at Aluminium Bozen factory kills Senegalese refugee

In June 2024, Info Migrants reported a Senegalese political refugee, employed by Aluminium Bozen, died in Bolzano, Italy, after an explosion at the aluminium factory where he worked. Another five co-workers were injured, with three in severe condition.

Aluminium Bozen's comments on the incident can be read below. The company expresses condolences to the impacted family and workers, and says it is "cooperating with authorities to ascertain as soon as possible the causes" of the incident.

You cannot die at work! We've had to say this too many times in these years…is time for actions to follow. We must increase safety to avoid a similar tragedy repeating itself.
CGIL/AGB and FIOM/MAV unions

Following the incident, the unions FIM, FIOM and UILM went on strike at the site of the plant, and then across the entire metal worker sector in the region of Alto Adige. FIOM/MAV and CGLIAGB unions called for increased safety to avoid similar incidents happening the future.

In July, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre invited Aluminium Bozen to respond to the strike action and unions’ calls for increased safety. Aluminium Bozen did not respond.

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Aluminium Bozen

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