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13 Mar 2012

Nate Schenkkan, EurasiaNet

Kazakhstan: Environmental dispute raises questions about judicial authority

At the northern edge of...Karachaganak gas condensate field sits a...village named Berezovka. Since 2002, residents have sought to be relocated, claiming that emissions from the field’s operations pose a health hazard. The 1,400 residents of Berezovka won a significant legal victory in...2010, when a Kazakhstani court partially upheld their demand for relocation. But...no action has been taken to implement the judicial decision...Some environmental activists say the Berezovka case shows how justice can be subordinated to big business interests in Kazakhstan...Authorities...contend the settlement is dragging on because some residents are holding out for higher compensation. The Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field...came under the control of Karachaganak Petroleum Operating (KPO)...led by Britain’s BG Group and Italy’s ENI...While waiting for resolution, conditions in the village continue to deteriorate...[V]illagers said sinkholes had begun to appear under their houses, presumably due to gas extraction operations.