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4 Dez 2020

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Czechia)

Kazakhstan: Women protest lack of support for low-income workers and families

Kazakh Women Protest Officials' Failure To Keep Promises On Support, 23 November 2020

Dozens of women in the southern Kazakh city of Shymkent have rallied to demand increased social allowances and state support for poorer families whose situations have been worsened by the coronavirus pandemic.

The women gathered in front of the mayor's office on November 23 demanding the mayor come out and listen to their demands, which include higher welfare payments, improved housing, and cheaper and faster Internet for children who have switched to online classes because of the government's coronavirus restrictions...

Rallies and pickets by women with lower incomes have been held regularly in towns and cities across the Central Asian country, including the capital, Nur-Sultan, since February 2019 after five children from a single family died in a fire at night when their parents were out working.