Land rights defenders increasingly the target of repressive measures, says the Observatory
The Observatory released its Annual Report at the United Nations Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights in December 2014. The report documents harassment and abuse of land rights defenders.
Where specific allegations were made against a company, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited the company to respond.
- Abengoa, Bonatti, Enagas, and Elecnori have been invited to respond to allegations that their joint energy project abused the rights of local communities in Mexico. Abengoa has responded. Enagas, Elecnor and Bonatti have not responded.
- Voronezhgeologiya has been invited to respond to the allegation that members of an NGO were beaten by a private security firm hired by the company in Russia. Voronezhgeologiya did not respond.
- EXMINGUA (a subsidiary Kappes, Cassiday & Associates) have been invited to respond to allegations that their gold mine negatively impacts human rights. EXMINGUA did not respond.
- PTPN7 has been invited to respond to the allegations of land conflicts, and intimidation of communities in opposition in Indonesia. PTPN7 did not respond.
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has previously invited companies to respond to some of the situations highlighted; these responses are included below