Malaysia: Medical gloves factories accused of forced labour, debt bondage, & passport confiscation
Data informada: 9 Dez 2018
Localização: Malásia
NHS Supply Chain - Buyer , Owens & Minor - Buyer , Medline Industries - Buyer , Innovative Healthcare - Buyer , WRP - EmployerOutros
Not Reported ( Agências de Emprego ) - RecruiterAfetados
Total de pessoas afetadas: Número desconhecido
Trabalhadores migrantes e imigrantes: ( 1 - Nepal , Manufatura: geral , Gender not reported ) , Trabalhadores migrantes e imigrantes: ( 2 - Localização desconhecida , Manufatura: geral , Gender not reported )Temas
Horas extras obrigatórias , Retenção de documentos de identificação , Roubo de salários , Mobilidade restrita , Saúde e Segurança Ocupacional , Condições de vida precárias/inadequadas , Trabalho Forçado e trabalho análogo à escravidão , Taxas de RecrutamentoResposta
Resposta solicitada: Sim, por The Guardian
Link externo para resposta (Saiba mais)
Medidas tomadas: WRP chief executive, Lee Son Hong, denied the allegations as “baseless”, saying the company had “never forced any worker to work 12 hours a day without a day of rest in a week”. “We are appalled that the issue of withholding pay and payment is made once every three months is brought up as we pay monthly wages according to the Malaysian Employment Act,” Lee said. Lee also denied workers were not free to leave the factory premises and they do not confiscate workers’ passports, but kept them in accessible lockers. “Our workers want us to keep their passports for safekeeping,” Lee insisted. An NHS Supply Chain spokesperson said: “NHS Supply Chain takes all allegations of labour abuses in its supply chain very seriously, and we have range of contractual arrangements and initiatives in place to try and prevent such situations arising.”
Tipo de fonte: News outlet
"Malaysian factories accused of 'forced labour' make rubber gloves for Britain's health service", 9 December 2018
Britain is launching an investigation into medical gloves used by its health service after reports of forced labour, forced overtime, debt bondage, withheld wages and passport confiscation in Malaysian factories where they were made.
...Top Glove and WRP – are allegedly subjecting thousands of migrant workers from Nepal and Bangladesh to exploitative working conditions....
...Top Glove...released a statement..."Lengthy working hours are our main concern and we continue to explore every possible way to address the issue of our workers' excessive daily OT," the company said.
..."Top Glove adopts a zero-tolerance policy with any regard to the abuse of human's rights at all levels," said the statement. "In fact our human/labour rights and health initiatives exceed those of the glove industry average."
WRP chief executive, Lee Son Hong, denied the allegations as "baseless", saying the company had "never forced any worker to work 12 hours a day without a day of rest in a week".
"We are appalled that the issue of withholding pay and payment is made once every three months is brought up as we pay monthly wages according to the Malaysian Employment Act," Lee said.
Lee also denied workers were not free to leave the factory premises and they do not confiscate workers' passports, but kept them in accessible lockers. "Our workers want us to keep their passports for safekeeping," Lee insisted.