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8 Ago 2019

Josie Ensor, The Telegraph (UK)

Migrant workers in Qatar hold rare strikes over conditions as 2022 World Cup looms

Migrant labourers in Qatar have been holding rare strikes... Thousands took part in two demonstrations over the last week in protest at delayed salaries and “inhuman” conditions. Videos from the protests show workers wearing yellow vests gathered on a street near the capital Doha. “We have not been paid for four months and we have not taken any leave since 2013,” one protester says. “The water we are given is not fit for human consumption"...

“This week’s protests shows how desperate many [workers] have become, willing to risk being fired or deported fighting for their rights,” [Hiba Zayadin, HRW researcher] said. “But Qatar has not cracked down as expected, which might indicate they are worried about international criticism.”

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