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4 Ago 2019

Minera San Cristobal

Minera San Cristobal statement on water resource management

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Since water is a strategic resource for the communities of the area and also for the mining activity, the company has developed a complete water resource management program. The program focuses on identifying, managing and maximizing the supply of water...For more than one decade, MSC has carefully and systematically monitored its use of water as well as the levels of the basins and aquifers that are the source of the industrial and potable water. In MSC’s concentration plant industrial-quality underground water that is not apt for human and animal consumption or irrigation is used...The water for human consumption, i.e. the water for the company’s personnel and eventually for the communities, is obtained from a well located in the North Field. This well feeds the osmosis plant for a desalination treatment; this method of treatment has a much higher cost in comparison to other conventional processes that use physical-chemical procedures.