Myanmar: Garment workers forced to work overtime or be denied holiday pay
Data informada: 7 Abr 2024
Localização: Myanmar
Shunrong Garments (Myanmar) - SupplierAfetados
Total de pessoas afetadas: 500
Trabalhadores: ( 500 - Localização desconhecida - Setor desconhecido , Gender not reported )Temas
Horas extras obrigatórias , Roubo de salários , Saúde e Segurança OcupacionalResposta
Response sought: Não
Tipo de fonte: News outlet
"The workers want not to cut the salary of those who do not come to replace the Thingyan holidays", 7 April 2024
The workers said that the manager of [Shunrong Garments Myanmar] called for overtime work in advance of the upcoming Thingyan holidays, and said that the workers who did not work overtime would not be paid for the 10 days of the Thingyan holidays.
SHUNRONG GRAMENTS MYANMAR garment factory is a PROTECTIVE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS garment factory with more than (500) workers...
The working hours are from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm (including 2 hours of overtime), and last March, there were overtime workers who had to work overtime during the night, and during public holidays, they were forced to work overtime without the consent of the workers, the worker said...
"The worst thing is that they ask for [higher targets] than the workers can sew]. Even though they have to work overtime to meet the fabric standard they ask for, they don't get overtime pay," the worker said.
Last March 27th (a public holiday), 5 to 6 workers were called for overtime from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and they were not paid for overtime.
...if the [target] is not met, the people in charge of the line rudely [slander] the workers.
"Casual leave and work leave are not often given. It is not easy to get it. We only get medical leave. Usually, it is not allowed. Drinking water is provided as a water purifier, but the water is not clean, so we have to buy and drink on our own, but there is a nurse in the clinic, but if we go for some reason, we can never get medicine. I think it is just a show," said the worker...
[Translation via Google Translate]