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22 Fev 2022

Khabarhub (Nepal)

Nepali migrant workers stranded in Dubai

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Dubai: Nepali migrant workers have been stranded in Dubai, a city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Over 25 Nepali youths who reached Dubai on visit visa through Trinetra Consultancy have been left in high and dry.

The owner of Trinetra Consultancy, Komal Raj Upadhyaya, had sent them to Dubai by taking Rs 200,000 from them each promising lucrative jobs in the Gulf countries, the victims have complained.

Aslam Tamang, one of the victims, has complained that the consultancy has taken a huge amount of money by promising him a job in a company but in vain. He has been stranded for the last 14 months.

Similarly, Bibek Pariyar, who had gone to Dubai through Trinetra Consultancy, has been been jobless for the last five months even if he handed over the required money to the consultancy.

Victims have complained that Minister for Labor, Employment and Social Security Krishna Kumar Shrestha has not taken any steps to rescue them despite tall promises.