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30 Abr 2018

Ana V. Ibáñez Prieto, The Jordan Times

NGO: Jordan requires consistent enforcement of occupational safety standards, amid under-reported workplace accidents

"Jordan needs ‘better application’ of occupational safety, health standards at workplace", 29 April 2018

Jordan is in a dire need of promoting the application of occupational safety and health standards set forth in the national legislation and international standards, a position paper by the Jordan Labour Watch (JLW) said... The paper criticised the “fluctuations” in the level of application of occupational health and safety standards in business establishments, explaining that “although the adherence is high in most large companies, medium and small enterprises tend to apply the regulations in a lax manner”. JLW also criticised the “lack of comprehensive and accurate statistical databases on occupational accidents, injuries and diseases that take place in Jordan, with the exception of the statistics issued by the [Social Security Corporation (SSC)]”. According to the latest figures... the number of occupational accidents and injuries in the year 2016 reached 13,345, recording a decline compared to 2015, when the number stood at 14,556. “However, the indicators provided by the SSC do not reflect the reality that takes place on the ground,” the paper noted, stressing that “it is worth noting that a significant number of work accidents and injuries occur among workers in the informal economy and are not registered which the SCC, which account for 50 per cent of the Jordanian workforce”...