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10 Fev 2014

May Titthara & David Boyle, Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia)

Not going without a fight [Cambodia]

...The company, Union Development Group, wants...more than 1,000 other families to quietly move to relocation villages far back from the ocean. Rights group Adhoc says...45...houses in Botum Sakor district were burned to the ground in the latest round of Union Development Group forced evictions. The mangroves and mountains of Kiri Sakor and Botum Sakor are rapidly being cut, cleared and terraformed into a mega-tourism resort covering 45,000 hectares of combined concessions...[A villager] says the company’s relocation villages are so barren and infertile that evictees simply cannot sustain themselves there...[A]bout a dozen security guards and military officials easily brushed...[protesters] aside...during a minor scuffle...[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Union Development Group to respond – it did not respond.]