Ouch Leng - Cambodian Human Rights Task Force (CHRTF)
On February 5, 2021, the president of the Cambodia Human Rights Task Force and a Goldman Environmental Prize winner Mr Ouch Leng, and the environmental activists Heng Sros, Men Math, Heng Run and Choup Cheang, were arrested by Cambodian environment officers while carrying signs saying “[p]lease help preserve our ancestral-heritage forest" that they meant to put on trees to help prevent deforestation. Local groups say that the defenders should not be arrested for their peaceful protests against environmental harms. Prior to their release, the activists were required to sign an agreement stating they would stop taking photos and conducting activities in the protected forest without prior permission. In March 2020, four of these environmentalists had been reportedly arrested by the private security forces of the Think Biotech company as they were travelling on motorbikes to monitor and investigate illegal logging activities in the Prey Lang area of Kratie Province.