Oxfam benchmark reveals supermarkets lack sufficient policies to protect people who produce our food
"What are supermarkets doing to tackle human suffering in their supply chains?", 3 July 2019
The 2019 Supermarket Scorecard shows that... all supermarkets lack sufficient policies to properly protect the people who produce our food. No supermarket does even 40% of what the Oxfam benchmark asks them to...
While some companies are making real progress in certain areas, others lag behind. Four areas consistently stand out as priorities for action:
- Supply chain transparency. No supermarket currently gives consumers basic information about the suppliers they buy their food from...
- Living wages. No supermarket ensures that the workers and producers in their supply chains are paid enough to eat properly...
- Gender equality. Bar Sainsbury’s and Walmart, no supermarket supports suppliers who take gender equality seriously, or source more from women-owned businesses.
- Unfair trading practices. Supermarkets use a range of practices that pressure suppliers – squeezing their ability to pay workers a living wage...