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11 Abr 2014

African Barrick Gold

[PDF] Non-judicial Access to Remedy at the Porgera and North Mara Mines

…While the document repeats criticisms that MiningWatch Canada has made elsewhere, it largely ignores the detailed responses that we and the UN OHCHR have provided, and it misrepresents actions we have taken as part of our effort to continually improve our remedy processes and outcomes to align them with the UNGP’s effectiveness criteria…[Attached are] a letter from Barrick and an opinion by the OHCHR with respect to the Porgera Joint Venture remedy framework, and a letter from African Barrick Gold with respect to North Mara Gold Mine’s grievance mechanism. These documents present a more accurate picture of Barrick and ABG’s experiences and efforts to find practical solutions regarding the implementation of the UNGP’s effectiveness criteria…

Part of the following timelines

Concerns about African Barrick Gold's project-level non-judicial grievance mechanism at North Mara Mine in Tanzania

Porgera Joint Venture complaints mechanism for rape victims - MiningWatch concerns