Linha do tempo
[PDF] Réguler les enterprises transnationales - 46 propositions
Idiomas disponíveis: français -
[PDF] Regulating Transnational Companies - 46 proposals
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Les Entreprises Transnationales et leur Responsabilité Sociétale
Idiomas disponíveis: français -
[PDF] Human Rights Due Diligence: Is It Too Risky? [scroll to p. 6]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
A Federal Court of Appeals Revives a Class Action Seeking Compensation for Slavery in America
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] What's wrong with Corporate Social Responsibility?
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] Etat du reporting sur le développement durable 2005 - La couleur du reporting, le goût du reporting, mais est-ce du reporting? [France]
Idiomas disponíveis: français -
Company lawyers get a wider role
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Nike ushers in a new age of corporate responsibility
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
The ethical revolution sweeping through the world's sweatshops
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Nike makes the step to transparency
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Nike Issues FY04 Corporate Responsibility Report Highlighting Multi-Stakeholder Engagement and New Levels of Transparency
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Ethical reporting and the law [USA]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] Social Impact Update - Third Quarter 2004
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[Reading list for "Human Rights in the Marketplace" course]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[DOC] Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility -- What’s That Lawyer Doing Here?
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[DOC] From Talk to Walk: The Emergence of Human Rights Responsibilities for Corporations at International Law
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Analysis: Is trying to kill the Alien Tort Claims Act digging for fool’s gold?
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] Corporate Social Responsibility - What Every In-House Counsel Should Know
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
PROFILE: Nike comms keeps running smoothly under Manager
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] Summaries of Presentations Made at the UNRISD Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Development: Towards a New Agenda? 17 November 2003 - 18 November 2003 Salle XVI, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
The Implications of the Nike and Kasky Settlement on CSR Reporting
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[DOC] Lawyers, Corporations and International Human Rights Law
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Nike settles 'free speech' court case [USA]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
comments by Nike: "The Kasky case is complex in its history yet simple in context"
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Living with the enemy - Non-governmental organisations and business
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Saving Corporations From Themselves? Allowing corporations to deliberately deceive is a recipe for disaster
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Advertisers say ruling [in Nike case] leaves them in limbo [USA]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Court Won't Rule on Corporate Free Speech
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Supreme Court won't rule in case about Nike and anti-globalization campaign (USA)
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Nike v. Kasky: Corporations Are Not Persons
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Nike defends claims of sweatshop labour and false advertising
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Nike: Free Speech or "False Promises"?
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Domini files amicus brief with Supreme Court in Nike v. Kasky
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Legal case for doing the right thing
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Book Review: Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
[PDF] Legal Issues in Corporate Citizenship
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Supreme Court to take up Nike and free speech [USA]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Nike in free speech battle
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Short-sighted victories in free speech
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
California supreme court decision potentially devastating for corporate responsibility reporting and SRI funds worldwide
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
A new model for social auditing
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Court says first amendment doesn't shield Nike from suit [USA]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
California Supreme Court says Nike can be sued for false ads
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Calif. court says Nike can be sued for false ads [USA]
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
California's Supreme Court to Decide Corporate Whitewash Trial
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
full text of decision by California Court of Appeal in case of Kasky v. Nike, affirming lower court's dismissal of the case
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
Idiomas disponíveis: English -
full text of complaint in case of Kasky v. Nike
Idiomas disponíveis: English
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