The electric sector is the largest source of industrial (stack) emissions of toxic air pollution in the United States. In 2009, coal- and oil-fired power plants accounted for nearly 50 percent of all reported toxic pollution from industrial sources...Exposure to toxic pollution from power plants, including hydrochloric acid, mercury, and other metals, is known or believed to contribute to or exacerbate a wide variety of health conditions, including one or more of the following: Asthma and other respiratory ailments, Developmental disorders, Neurological damage, Birth defects, Cancer, and Premature mortality. This report analyzes publicly available data from Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). [refers to PSEG (Public Service Enterprise Group), Constellation Energy, DPL, Southern Company, Exelon, GenOn, Progress Energy, AEP (American Electric Power), FirstEnergy, Duke Energy, Buckeye, Edison International, Corona Power, TECO Energy, Cogentrix, PPL, Dominion, Hoosier Energy, CMS Energy, Oglethorpe Power, Perennial Power, SCANA, Energy Future Holdings, Xcel, NRG, Suez Energy (part of GDF Suez), Empire District Electric, Great Plains Energy, Alliant Energy, Integrys Energy, Madison Gas & Electric, Indeck Energy, Ameren, MidAmerican Energy (part of Berkshire Hathaway), NextEra, AES, NiSource, Hoosier Energy, Wisconsin Energy]