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10 Mai 2021

Steven Kay QC, 9 Bedford Row International

Press Release: A Report on the Lundin Case

Leading international lawyers find basis of the Swedish Prosecutor’s investigation into Lundin in Sudan fundamentally flawed

  • A new independent report finds that the basis of a Swedish Prosecutor’s criminal investigation into the activities of Lundin Oil (now Lundin Energy) in Sudan between 1997-2003 is fundamentally flawed.
  • The investigation was prompted by the publication of a 2010 report by campaigning organisation, European Coalition on Oil in Sudan (ECOS).
  • ECOS accuses the Company of complicity in war crimes in southern Sudan.
  • These allegations were first raised by Christian Aid in 2001 and were exposed to be without foundation at the time.
  • Holding foreign oil companies responsible for a decades-long conflict is a serious misrepresentation of Sudan’s history.
  • The NGOs operating in southern Sudan were beholden to the separatist rebel group, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/ Army (SPLM/A) who were in control of 80% of the area.
  • The bias displayed by the NGO reports, and their flawed methodology, would make them inadmissible in international criminal courts.
  • The Swedish Prosecutor must uphold international criminal law standards when applying universal jurisdiction to a war crimes investigation...

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