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Réplica da ONG

15 Dez 2023

Protect Thacker Pass

Rejoinder from Protect Thacker Pass

... We consider this lawsuit to be a SLAPP suit because its primary purpose is to harass, intimidate, and stop the community from protesting a mine that no one wants. We believe it is wrong to restrict access to the land for prayer, destroy and pollute wildlife habitat and water, and then attempt to criminalize and penalize land defenders for speaking out and participating in non-violent protest...

Part of the following timelines

Dean Barlese - Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe

Dorece Sam - Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe

Bhie-Cie Zahn-Nahtzu - Te-Moak Shoshone and Washoe

Bethany Sam - Standing Rock Sioux and Kutzadika’a Paiute Tribes

Paul Cienfuegos - Founding Director of Community Rights US

Max Wilbert - Protect Thacker Pass

Will Falk - Protect Thacker Pass