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15 Set 2023

Bridget Doyle, Cory Jones, Neegan Burnside Ltd & Dean Jacobs, Dean Jacobs Consulting

Report highlights indigenous perspectives on co-ownership in renewable energy projects

“Decarbonizing Electricity and Decolonizing Power: Voices, Insights and Priorities from Indigenous Clean Energy Leaders”, May 2022

… Indigenous communities are the largest owner of clean energy assets in Canada after Crown and private utilities... Where earlier projects may have offered minor benefits and agreements, Indigenous communities are increasingly seeking equity ownership and control in clean energy projects on their land...

Some key examples of sizable Indigenous-led clean energy projects include the Saulteau First Nation (majority owner) and Natural Forces 15 MW Sukunka Wind Energy Project, the West Moberly First Nation (minority ownership) and Natural Forces 15 MW Zonnebeke Wind Project…

There are numerous historic and current examples of renewable energy projects across Canada that have displaced Indigenous Peoples from their land, violated Indigenous rights, led to devastating environmental, cultural, spiritual and social damages and contributed to environmental racism and health consequences…

The Wocawson Energy Project was developed in partnership with Natural Forces and majority- owned by Tobique First Nation (Neqotkuk).  The project brings pride and hope to the community.... The financial returns will contribute to a greater quality of life by enabling the community to address its chronic housing shortage…

Structural and institutional historic and ongoing inequities must be redressed... An Indigenous-led clean energy transition will require the status quo to look and operate entirely differently by incorporating and centring Indigenous world views, values, governance and decision-making authority…

As observed through numerous examples throughout Canada, Indigenous communities are extremely innovative and adept at successfully implementing clean energy projects, grids and economies, despite the myriad of challenges they face...

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