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Resposta da empresa

8 Jul 2020

Litera Meat

Response by Litera Meat

July 2020

Since last March, Litera Meat has developed and implemented an action plan including different measures aimed at reducing and stopping the effects of COVID-19. This plan, which is still ongoing, has been and is periodically revised and updated to increase safety and reinforce prevention in the face of this pandemic disease. 

Anticipation and working in tandem with the sanitary authorities and affiliated trade unions has been essential...

After doing PCR tests on all the employees of the Company, who are over a thousand, the resulting positive cases were less than 1.6% of the workforce. Due to the strict protocol carried out during the last months, currently there are no positive cases among the employees of Litera Meat, which has its own Human Resources Department to manage recruitment and look after the health and rights of all staff. Therefore, from the starting of the activity Litera Meat never used the services of working cooperative then 100% of workers has been contracted directly. 

The contingency plan keeps in effect until today the actions and measures implemented from the beginning...

Among the latest actions added to the contingency plan, the incorporation of medical staff into the Company’s facilities so as to quickly identify any symptoms compatible with COVID-19, more transport options for employees to be able to keep due social distance, mandatory educational programmes on COVID-19 done in-company, regular disinfection by nebulising the entire Company’s facilities and outbuildings using a wide-spectrum virucidal agent, installation of security plastic screens in the workplace and addition of the COVID-19 test to the pre-occupational medical check-up so that new employees are also tested to prevent the existing personnel to be exposed to any related hazardous situation are specially worth mentioning. 

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